‘UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador’ Kim Hye-soo donates to Turkiye children

UNICEF Korean Committee (Secretary-General Lee Ki-cheol) announced on the 10th that Kim Hye-soo, who is serving as a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF Korean Committee, donated 100 million won by participating in emergency relief for children affected by the Turkiye and Syria earthquakes.
In accordance with Kim Hye-soo's wishes, this fund will be fully used for emergency relief projects such as nutrition, water sanitation, education, and protection for children affected by the Turkic and Syrian earthquakes.
Goodwill Ambassador Kim Hye-soo was appointed as a special representative of the Korean Committee for UNICEF in August 2012 after forming a relationship through a UNICEF sponsorship night event in 1997, and was later appointed as a Goodwill Ambassador in September 2017 for her continued activities for children around the world.
Following 26 years of talent donation, Goodwill Ambassador Kim Hye-soo, who joined the 'Honors Club', a group of major donors to UNICEF, is actively participating in helping children affected by the earthquake in Turkye and Syria, including participating in the narration of this emergency relief campaign video.
Goodwill Ambassador Kim Hye-soo said, "It breaks my heart to think of the earthquake-affected children who endure each day in fear. It is difficult to even dare to imagine the feelings of the children who lost their beloved family and friends. Let's hope that the children of Turkiye and Syria escape the disaster as soon as possible. “I decided to donate in the hope that it would give me some strength to stand up,” he said.
Choi Ji-ye, Ten Asia Reporter