WINNER's Mino Faces Military Service Allegations: Legal Experts Say Re-enlistment Unlikely
WINNER's Mino Faces Military Service Allegations: Legal Experts Say Re-enlistment Unlikely
Former WINNER member Mino is currently facing allegations of inadequate military service, with some voices calling for his re-enlistment. However, legal and military experts suggest that the possibility of re-enlistment is unlikely, and the chances of substantial punishment are low. This is because social service agents, like Mino, who do not fulfill their duties, are subject to extended service periods rather than re-enlistment. Legal experts also believe that the criteria for legal punishment are not met.

Attorney Ko Sang-rok from the law firm Phil explained to Ten Asia, "Psy served as an industrial worker under the Military Service Act. However, Mino is serving as a social service agent," highlighting the difference in their statuses. He added, "Social service agents and industrial function agents have entirely different statuses."

Ko further clarified that even if Mino's inadequate service is acknowledged, re-enlistment is not an option. "Social service agents receive warnings for insincere work. Each warning adds to their service period, but they do not re-enlist," he explained. Ko emphasized that this is different from professional researchers or industrial function agents, who must re-enlist if they neglect their duties.

According to Article 89-3 of the Military Service Act, if a social service agent receives eight or more warnings for tardiness, early leave, or leaving the workplace without a valid reason, they can face up to one year in prison. Additionally, Article 33 states that each warning extends the service period by five days.
WINNER's Mino Faces Military Service Allegations: Legal Experts Say Re-enlistment Unlikely
WINNER's Mino Faces Military Service Allegations: Legal Experts Say Re-enlistment Unlikely
However, the likelihood of Mino receiving eight or more warnings and facing imprisonment is extremely low. The possibility of extending his service period also seems unlikely. A military official stated, "Warnings are administrative actions and are not common. A disciplinary committee is convened only when verbal warnings from a commander are ineffective. It's not easy to extend service with just one warning, and receiving eight warnings for criminal punishment is nearly impossible."

Furthermore, according to YG's claim that "Mino is taking sick leave and annual leave as per regulations," it is possible that Mino has been fulfilling his duties legitimately. According to Article 39, Paragraph 2 of the Enforcement Rules of the Military Service Act, social service agents can use a total of 27 days of annual leave over 20 months. Additionally, under Article 23 of the Social Service Agent Service Management Regulations, sick leave can be used for less than 30 days, and if used for more than 30 days, the service period must be extended by that duration. If there is a valid reason, they can rest for a total of 57 days without extended service.
WINNER's Mino Faces Military Service Allegations: Legal Experts Say Re-enlistment Unlikely
WINNER's Mino Faces Military Service Allegations: Legal Experts Say Re-enlistment Unlikely
Previously, Mino faced allegations of not fulfilling his duties properly after transferring to the Mapo Resident Convenience Facility in March. There were also accusations that he signed the attendance record in bulk and colluded with a supervisor, identified as L.

YG Entertainment responded to the allegations of inadequate service, stating, "It is difficult to confirm detailed information regarding the artist's service," but clarified, "The reason for sick leave is an extension of treatment received before service, and all other leaves were used according to regulations."

As of now, the allegations of Mino's inadequate service and attendance manipulation remain unproven. On the 17th, the Military Manpower Administration announced that they would investigate the attendance manipulation allegations following the media reports.

Reported by Min-Kyung Lee, Ten Asia