Lady Jane "Third time trying the test tube, I gained 9kg"

On August 2nd, the YouTube channel ‘Lady Jane’ posted ‘Everything from egg freezing to in vitro fertilization! A video titled ‘N-Carer’s Experience’ was uploaded. On this day, Lady Jane appeared with her husband, actor Lim Hyun-tae, and talked about in vitro fertilization.
Lady Jane began by saying, “There are a lot of people who are confused between artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization.” In response, Lim Hyun-tae said, "Artificial insemination injects sperm directly into the woman's uterus. It is much cheaper and simpler than in vitro fertilization. It is a procedure that receives more support from the government. I heard that many people do it. But in the case of artificial insemination, sperm “This is a procedure often performed when there are problems with mobility, etc.,” he explained.

However, Lady Jane had to collect eggs again. He said, "I thought I should use the frozen eggs as soon as I got married, but the teacher told me to collect new ones. He said to do it at the age when the eggs were collected." He added, "I went to the flea market with a swollen stomach, and he asked me if I had any good news. My body swelled and “There were many people who misunderstood that I was pregnant because my stomach was protruding,” she said.
Lady Jane said, "I did the first test tube test and thought I would get pregnant right away, but it failed. I tried the second time right away. So I ended up using frozen eggs for the second time. I cultured them for 3 days. Out of 20, only 2 fertilized eggs came out. So it was so futile, but I felt bad for the rest of the world at that time, and what I regret is that it would be a relief if I continued to collect eggs when I could.”

Kim Seo-yoon, Ten Asia Reporter seogugu@tenasia.co.kr