Jaejoong Kim, “Thanks to IU, people's perception has changed”

On the 27th, the YouTube channel 'ST7 ST7' featured a video titled 'Rolling I+Dol Stealing the Channel│Jaefriend Ep. A video titled ‘special │Kim Jaejoong and Younghoon’ was posted.
Kim Jaejoong was originally in charge of the content's MC, but since he released his 20th debut album, he made a special guest appearance on this day, and The Boyz's Younghoon appeared as a special MC instead.

Then Younghoon said, "When I was young, I heard a lot of news about TVXQ's dormitory being broken into," and Kim Jaejoong said, "It's natural for people to come into the house, and even if you go to a different neighborhood, there are 'sasaeng taxis' everywhere. This is also at a very weak level. “A more serious case followed soon after.
Kim Jaejoong surprised people by saying, "I was at home when a photo came from an unknown number. I looked at it and it was of my back. I guess it was inside my house." He said resolutely, “But when I found it, it was a little late. They had already come in, taken the picture, and sent it outside. It gives me goosebumps, but it’s nothing.”
Younghoon was shocked by Kim Jaejoong's words and asked, "You've been through so much, will you still be an idol even if you're reborn?" To Younghoon's question, Kim Jaejoong answered without hesitation, "I want to do it again."
Kim Jaejoong added to the shock by saying, "I want to become an idol again even if pictures of me sleeping are taken every morning. There are sasaengs who were kissing me while I was sleeping."
Kim Jaejoong confessed, "The boy who kissed me while I was sleeping was caught in our dorm. If it were the current system, he would have been shackled. That's why it's my habit to always look around and look for something. I really lived like a prisoner."
At the same time, he said, "I am grateful to IU. IU sued fans who crossed the line. Of course, I don't know if it was because of IU's good image, but it was a good thing that made me realize that this is an act that can really cause great harm to humans. “I think it was an opportunity, so I think I’ve been protected since then.”

Reporter Lee Min-kyung, Ten Asia 2min_ror@tenasia.co.kr