Hyeri resumes social media not to be outdone by Han So-hee and Ryu Jun-yeol

Hyeri caused a stir by forming a love triangle between Ryu Jun-yeol and Han So-hee, who recently broke up. When the couple's relationship was made public, Hyeri sparked rumors of a transit romance by posting, "It's fun," and later explained the reason by saying, "Even right after the breakup news broke, we had a conversation about talking more." has bowed down.
As a result, Hyeri's social media was filled with messages of support. However, one netizen who is presumed to be a fan of Han So-hee said, "Hyeri, who was quiet when they broke up in the first place, framed Han So-hee as a transfer girl and made her a prey for malicious commenters, and made the world feel unfair and ruined her image." He added, "Hyeri is really funny. "Even if you make a famous actress, I can't even keep up with half of your followers. You're a high-ranking fox. What's the difference between killing people behind the scenes without getting blood on your hands? I hope you don't appear on TV," he wrote.
Choi Ji-ye, Ten Asia Reporter wisdomart@tenasia.co.kr