'G-Flat' Choi Hwan-hee breaks up with Robin
'G-Flat' Choi Hwan-hee breaks up with Robin
Singer G-Flat (22, Choi Hwan-hee) left her agency and announced a new start.

On the 1st, G Flat wrote, “In 2020, I got off the wonderful ship called Rothschild, which I have been with for 4 years since my debut, and now I am trying to create my own path.” He continued, "I am very grateful to the Rothschild family for helping me learn and grow so much over the past four years and helping me bring my immature music to the world. I will come back with new music in a better form in the future." He said.

After seeing this, Rothschild's CEO Robin wrote, "I'm sorry for not being able to provide the best support, but our Hwanhee has grown a lot, so we ask for your continued interest and love. Good luck Hwanhee," and G-Flat responded, "Thank you, CEO!" Broadcaster Hong Jin-kyung applauded, saying, “I will always support you.” Younger brother Choi Jun-hee expressed his support with a flame emoticon.

G-Flat is the son of the late actress Choi Jin-sil. He signed an exclusive contract with Rothschild in 2020 and has been active since his debut as a singer.
'G-Flat' Choi Hwan-hee breaks up with Robin
'G-Flat' Choi Hwan-hee breaks up with Robin
Below is the full text of G-Flat.Hello, this is Gflat.

In 2020, I got off the wonderful ship called Rothschild, which I have been with for 4 years since my debut, and now I am trying to create my own path!

I am truly grateful to the Rothschild family for helping me learn and grow so much over the past four years and helping me bring my inexperienced music to the world.

We will come back with better new music in the future!

thank you

Choi Ji-ye, Ten Asia Reporter wisdomart@tenasia.co.kr translated by google