Composer in his 30s arrested and indicted for drug use disorder [TEN Issue]
Composer in his 30s arrested and indicted for drug use disorder [TEN Issue]
A composer in his 30s who was drunk on drugs and caused a disturbance in a cafe and wandered the streets of Gangnam was taken into custody and sent to trial.

On the 19th, the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office's Violent Crime Investigation Department (Chief Prosecutor Kim Yeon-sil) announced that it had arrested and indicted Mr. Choi (39) on charges of violating the Narcotic Drugs Control Act.

Mr. Choi is accused of taking Philopon in the practice room on the 21st of last month, causing a disturbance at a Gangnam cafe while hallucinating in the early morning of the next day, and destroying furniture inside the cafe. Mr. Choi was also accused of taking Philopon once in the middle of the same month.

Mr. Choi was arrested by the police while walking around with his top off in the city. At the time, the police were dispatched after receiving a report that “there was a man twirling around with his top off.” The police arrested him on the 24th of last month and sent Choi to the prosecution on the 29th.

Afterwards, Mr. Choi filed a request for adjudication of detention with the court during his detention period, but it was said to have been dismissed.

Reporter Junho Yoon, Ten Asia translated by google