Minoy explains the tearful live broadcast
Minoy explains the tearful live broadcast
Singer Minoy released a statement regarding her absence from commercial filming.

On the 4th, Minoy left a long message that began with, "I'm sorry for causing you concern. I told you not to respond, but I can't stand it anymore. I want to gather courage and see you."

He said, "There is no connection between my tears and the part where I said I had committed a crime based on the standards of my life. As those who watched the live broadcast to the end will know, I had a lot of worries and things going on. I just wanted to tell my story. “He said.

He continued, "First of all, contrary to what the article said, I did not attend the advertisement two hours before. I searched again and found no article related to this. Why is the article titled "Advertising Punk" written like this? I wanted to talk about it because I was wondering to what extent the misunderstanding had occurred. “It’s a long post, so please excuse the poor writing,” he added.

Minoy said, "I was not even informed of the contents of the contract for this advertisement, nor was I told when the contract was written. When I saw that the advertising cost was included first in the statement of account, I wondered why this was included and realized that the contract had been written. Afterwards, I signed the contract. “I asked to see it, but they didn’t show it to me right away, so I waited and went to look at it in person,” he explained.

Minoy said, "At this time, there was a fake stamp with my name written on it that looked different from my stamp, and I felt that it had a lot of content compared to the 2022 advertising contract, so I requested an amendment to the terms of the contract. However, due to lack of coordination, I clearly stated that I would not be able to film. "That night, after hearing that the CEO called my sister and said that she was worried because she seemed to be thinking too much about it even though she didn't have to film, I understood that it was resolved not to film the commercial."
Minoy explains the tearful live broadcast
Minoy explains the tearful live broadcast
In addition, "I was told by the advertising team that two hours ago I was told that I could not film because I had coronavirus, and then again on another day that I was told that I was a no-show due to a personal change of mind and not due to health issues. My Live." After the broadcast, an article from company P was published. I received a call saying, 'I interviewed you without revealing our brand's name because I thought about Minoy and how scary it would be to see something like this and the article being spread.' I also had a part in my decision-making. “I conveyed my greetings with a sorry heart,” he said.

Minoy said, "The CEO of AOMG also contacted me asking me to respond quickly. Considering the friendship between the two and the company's position, I agreed with the company's position that 'I did not participate in the advertisement due to conflict of interest as a proxy signer' (advertisement) The context of non-participation means that I did not participate, so I agreed.) The article was published, but 2 hours ago, an article about non-participation in the advertisement was published, and the CEO said that reporters do not write as they please, and told me to refrain from sharing my position as the issue could escalate further. “I waited,” he said.

Minoy said, "To summarize briefly, I first became aware of the contents when I saw the contract, but it had already been stamped, and that stamp was not my stamp. I requested a correction, but it was not coordinated, and I expressed my intention not to film the advertisement, and even if I did not stamp it, I “I didn’t film the commercial after hearing again that it was possible,” he said.

He said, "The differences between the positions with the company have not been resolved, so both parties are currently being reviewed by lawyers! I would also like to add a few important things. I have never even discussed the Jeonju Ultimate Festival, and due to my tardiness, I suffered damages on the day of the Jeonju performance. “I would like to sincerely apologize to the many audiences, artists, and performance staff who saw the show. I am sorry for bringing this up so late,” he said.

Minoy said, "I asked the company if I should post an apology after the performance on the spot that day, but I guess I didn't have the courage to hide it behind the words that it was better to not respond as the matter got bigger. I sincerely apologize. From now on, I will not use 'pick-up-shop-in- “I reflected, ‘I need to be thorough in preparing by considering all variables from shop out to on-site arrival time,’” he explained.

Minoy said, "I am also deeply reflecting on indoor smoking, which became a problem during live broadcasts. I will act responsibly for everything related to this! I apologize again! I have heard and seen many stories through this incident, and I have realized that inaction is not the best response. I really felt that I should be able to convey my sincerity and apologize for my mistakes. In the future, I will not forget this and remember it for a long time, and I will become a Minoy who can grow further as an artist and show a better side of me. Again, a long post. “Thank you for reading.”

Kang Min-kyung, Ten Asia reporter kkk39@tenasia.co.kr translated by google