Oh My Girl's Hyojung becomes a MC for 'Pyeon Restaurant'
Oh My Girl's Hyojung becomes a MC for 'Pyeon Restaurant'
Oh My Girl's Hyojung joins 'Pyeon Restaurant' as a regular member.

On the 23rd, her agency WM Entertainment said, “Hyojung has joined ‘Pyeon Restaurant’ as a regular MC. “Please look forward to Hyojung’s activities in the future.”

Hyojung, who appeared as a special MC for 'Pyeon Restaurant', captivated viewers with her rich reactions and unique bright energy, playing a vital role in 'Pyeon Restaurant'.

Hyojeong said, “I became very interested in cooking after watching Pyeon Restaurant and following along little by little, and now that I am a regular part of it, I am curious about what other dishes will excite me in the future. “I will do my best to convey the fun atmosphere of the filming set to the viewers,” he said, expressing his thoughts on joining the fixed MC.

In addition, Hyojung, who joined 'Pyeon Restaurant' as a regular MC and is raising even more expectations for her future activities, will be releasing the project album 'HELLO! There was news of active activities in various fields, including plans to release 'WM_V'.

Meanwhile, Hyojung, who was selected as a fixed MC, can be seen on KBS 2TV's 'Pyeon Restaurant', which airs at 8:30 pm today (23rd).

Kim Se-ah, Ten Asia reporter haesmik@tenasia.co.kr translated by google