No career break... Working mom Nabi selected as MC for YouTube's 'I Won't Go Home Today'
No career break... Working mom Nabi selected as MC for YouTube's 'I Won't Go Home Today'
Singer Nabi will be the new YouTube content MC.

According to her agency R&D Company on the 8th, Nabi was selected as the MC for the YouTube content ‘I Won’t Go Home’.

'I Won't Go Home' is a content with the concept of MC Nabi, a 'representative working mother in the entertainment industry' who has to go to work to raise her children right after getting off work, and invites guests who do not want to go home to talk to them, thereby delaying her time off from work on the show.

Comedian Uhm Ji-yoon, who participated in the WSG Wannabe project of the MBC entertainment program 'What Do You Do When You Hang Out?', was confirmed to appear as the first guest. The two people, who have continued their relationship through music work, plan to meet viewers with their unique chemistry as best friends.

In particular, during the filming of 'I Won't Go Home', Uhm Ji-yoon gave Nabi some blunt advice, saying, "I don't think your hosting style is suitable for targeting the MZ generation," and Nabi gave 2.84 million subscribers to target the MZ subscriber base. Expectations are growing as it is said that he was promised the right to appear on the YouTube channel 'Short Box'.

Previously, Nabi has communicated with the public through active music work as well as activities in broadcasting and radio. As Butterfly is the owner of a witty and self-proclaimed sense of humor, attention is focused on him as the MC for 'I Won't Go Home'.

Butterfly's first talk can be seen on the YouTube channel 'I Won't Go Home' at 7 PM on the 8th.

Choi Ji-ye, Ten Asia Reporter translated by google