Lee Sun-kyun tests negative for drugs again... What should the police do if they fail to secure physical evidence?
Lee Sun-kyun tests negative for drugs again... What should the police do if they fail to secure physical evidence?
The police appear to have failed to secure physical evidence as the second analysis result of actor Lee Sun-kyun (48), who is suspected of drug use, also came back negative.

According to the police on the 24th, the Incheon Police Agency recently received notification from the National Institute of Forensic Science (National Forensic Service) that the second detailed analysis of Lee Seon-gyun's body hair came back negative. The police confiscated Lee Seon-gyun's body on two occasions and collected body hair to secure physical evidence related to the charges, but it seems that they ultimately failed. The industry speculation is that if this continues, it will be difficult for the police to send Lee Sun-gyun to the prosecution with a recommendation for indictment.

Previously, the drug crime investigation unit of the Incheon Police Agency received a search and seizure warrant from the court for the body of Seon-gyun Lee, who is suspected of using marijuana and psychotropic drugs under the Narcotic Drugs Control Act. requested.

The police requested the National Forensic Service to conduct a detailed analysis of Lee Seon-kyun's hair and urine collected on the 28th of last month, but failed to secure evidence as the results were negative. The National Forensic Service found that there were no traces of drug use in Lee Seon-gyun's hair, etc., and concluded that he had not used drugs for at least 10 months. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that there were activities that could affect the results of the evaluation, such as dyeing or bleaching, or that the evaluation was not performed due to the use of new drugs.

In addition, the police at the time also submitted Lee Seon-gyun's leg hair to the National Forensic Service, but it was determined that analysis was not possible due to insufficient weight. The police plan to summon Lee Seon-gyun again for questioning based on the results of the second evaluation.
Lee Sun-kyun tests negative for drugs again... What should the police do if they fail to secure physical evidence?
Lee Sun-kyun tests negative for drugs again... What should the police do if they fail to secure physical evidence?
Although it has already been a month since Lee Sun-gyun's drug charges surfaced, the police are said to have no significant evidence. Accordingly, there are constant criticisms that the police are carrying out a sloppy and unreasonable investigation. The view that the police only relied on the testimony of Madame A (29, female, arrested), a Gangnam entertainment establishment owner with six drug convictions who claimed to have taken drugs with Lee Sun-kyun, is gaining ground.

Meanwhile, Mr. A was accused of blackmail by Seon-gyun Lee, and is known to have extorted about 300 million won. According to multiple media reports, Mr. A gave Lee Seon-kyun a conversation to the effect that 'I need money to keep my mouth shut after being hacked by a hacker and having my conversations exposed.' However, the situation is tilted toward the high possibility that these actions are all self-made.

Choi Ji-ye, Ten Asia Reporter wisdomart@tenasia.co.kr translated by google