ATBO releases vlog series for '04s' ahead of graduation

On the 17th, ATBO's agency, IST Entertainment, released the members' vlog content, '[ATBO:LOG] Went to School: Big Dog Seunghwan's Hallym Art High School VLOG' through the official YouTube channel.
This content is a vlog series featuring the last teenage appearances of the '04s' peers in the team who are about to graduate from high school. Starting with Jeong Seung-hwan on the 17th, Kim Yeon-gyu and Won Bin will be released sequentially.
ATBO, which has proven remarkable growth in the second half of 2022 since its official debut last July, is sharing precious memories with fans through friendly fan communication where they share even the smallest details of their daily lives.
In particular, this vlog is receiving a positive response as it is delivered as a special gift to fans who are curious about the school life of ATBO members who are still high school students.
In the vlog released on the 17th, member Jeong Seung-hwan, a student in the musical department of Hallym Entertainment Arts High School, was shown commuting to school by subway while wearing a school uniform and a department jumper, drawing attention.
Jeong Seung-hwan revealed his small daily life of meeting with his classmates, playing around, eating lunch, and reviewing class content, and brought laughter with the friendly charm of a teenage boy, 180 degrees different from his 'idol main job' on stage.
Meanwhile, ATBO is a major new artist that the K-pop scene is paying attention to, having won two ‘Rookie of the Year’ awards at major awards ceremonies, including winning the ‘Rookie of the Year’ award in the singer category at the ‘2022 Asia Model Awards’ last year and the ‘AAA Focus’ award at the ‘2022 Asia Artist Awards’. They proved their presence as a group.
In addition, ATBO, who has accumulated significant achievements in just 5 months since his debut, including being selected as a notable new talent '2022 Choice' at the 'Melon Music Awards 2022', plans to continue his remarkable growth as a 'global rookie' by continuing to be active in various fields this year. .
Reporter Junho Yoon, Ten Asia delo410@tenasia.co.kr