G-Dragon, who denies allegations of drug use, posted a post that seemed to reveal his feelings, but immediately deleted it.
G-Dragon, who denies allegations of drug use, posted a post that seemed to reveal his feelings, but immediately deleted it.
Singer G-Dragon (35, real name Kwon Ji-yong), who is denying allegations of drug use, posted a post on social media that seemed to reveal his feelings, but quickly deleted it.

On the 31st of last month, G-Dragon captured and uploaded an image with Buddhist doctrines and related explanations, but quickly deleted it.

The image shows the Buddhist doctrine of the Eightfold Path (right view, right thought, right thought, right action, right action, right effort, right root, right thought, right concentration) and explanations for each. The meaning of right view - right view, right thought and right thought - right thinking, right action - acting right, right name - living right, right effort and right Geun - advancing right, right thought - staying awake, and right concentration - samadhi (concentration). all.
G-Dragon, who denies allegations of drug use, posted a post that seemed to reveal his feelings, but immediately deleted it.
G-Dragon, who denies allegations of drug use, posted a post that seemed to reveal his feelings, but immediately deleted it.
Next, the phrase “Gyeongbo Nirvana” appears. Below that, it says, 'Our ultimate goal is enlightenment. It must be nirvana. You should pursue happiness that transcends life and death, but if you are caught up in the present moment and obsessed with small happiness, you cannot even think about the great fundamental happiness. 'There is an urgent need for a change in consciousness to channel that power and water the root.'

G-Dragon quickly deleted the post, but it was spread online by netizens who were quicker than him. Netizens are speculating that G-Dragon, who is denying drug use charges, was indirectly expressing his feelings.

G-Dragon was booked without detention on charges of violating the Narcotics Control Act on the 25th of last month, but maintains his innocence. A lawyer was appointed on the 30th of last month. He submitted a letter of intent to appear voluntarily along with his senior officer to the drug crime investigation unit of the Incheon Police Agency Metropolitan Investigation Unit, and is scheduled to appear voluntarily on the 6th.

Kim Ji-won, Ten Asia reporter bella@tenasia.co.kr