Kim Heera's side "First report on allegations of school violence, legal action"
Kim Heera's side "First report on allegations of school violence, legal action"
Actress Kim Hee-ra's agency, Gram Entertainment, announced that it would take legal action regarding suspicions of school violence and rumors of an incident.

On the 11th, Kim Hee-ra's agency, Gram Entertainment, opened its statement by saying, "We apologize for causing concern to many people due to the controversy related to our actress Kim Hee-ra. We would like to apologize to the many people who have been disappointed and harmed by this incident."

The agency said, "Today, we express regret to a media outlet that treated the one-sided informant's claims about Kim Heera as if they were proven facts, and we decided that we cannot condone the current situation that is damaging the reputation of our agency's actress and causing suffering to unrelated people, so we are taking legal action." “I decided,” he said.
Kim Heera's side "First report on allegations of school violence, legal action"
Kim Heera's side "First report on allegations of school violence, legal action"
He continued, "We reveal the actions committed by the media in the course of reporting as follows, and we plan to respond with strong legal action against unfounded content and those who unilaterally claim it in the future. Once again, we will take strong legal action against malicious acts against our actors. “We will do our best to protect our artists,” he added.

The agency said, "The media that first reported it not only maliciously edited and reported the informant's words contrary to the facts, but also tried to rationalize the legitimacy of the report by conveying the nuance of applying a scandalous crime by adding that they were considerate of the agency and the artist." On May 17, Kim Hee-ra, who visited the media without an official from the agency and explained the suspicions, said, "If you admit it, I will adjust the level of the article. Then, since it will be like the Kim OO incident, I will allow you to return." “I cajoled and coerced them,” he explained.

In addition, "The rights of many individuals are being violated due to the recent suspicions raised against Heera Kim. Due to the standard and generalization error frame regarding celebrities that 'even if there is a fight, they are bullies and school bullies', even people who have nothing to do with it are being bullied and bullied just because they are members of a cafe." “Suspected victims are increasing one after another. I sincerely hope that no more victims emerge due to indiscriminate reporting practices,” he said.

The agency said, "The truth of this case will be determined legally until the end, and we want to reveal everything in court, including errors in what the media called evidence and misunderstandings with the informants. We have caused concern to many people due to an unpleasant incident. , I apologize again.”The following is the full statement from Kim Heera's agency, Gram Entertainment.hello. This is Gram Entertainment.

We apologize for causing concern to many people due to the controversy related to our actress Heera Kim. We would like to apologize to the many people who have been disappointed and harmed by this incident.

Today, the agency expresses regret for a media outlet that treated the one-sided informant's claims about Kim Heera as if they were proven facts, and decided that it cannot condone the current situation that is damaging the reputation of the agency's actress and causing suffering to unrelated people, and is taking legal action. I decided.

We reveal the actions committed by the media in the course of reporting as follows, and we plan to take strong legal action against unfounded content and those who unilaterally claim it.

Once again, we express our intention to take strong legal action against malicious acts against our actors, and we will do our best to protect our artists.

▶ This is the position and series of processes regarding the media that first covered and reported the suspicions about Kim Heera.

1. The initial reporting media not only maliciously edited and reported the informant's words contrary to the facts, but also tried to rationalize the legitimacy of the report by conveying the nuance of applying a 'crime of shame' by adding that they were considerate of the agency and artist.

For example, “September 8, 2023,” mentioned in an exclusive press article on the 9th. Heera Kim called Mr. H", "Heera Kim issued a statement. Mr. H is evidence of school violence. The phrase, "So I made an urgent call on the 8th," is clearly a distorted report of the facts. After the agency's statement, H sent Kim Hi-ra a text message asking to speak first, but the calls diverged and they ended up talking later. It was a call from Heera Kim. He even put pressure on Heera Kim by listing unfounded information for the purpose of reporting to the media, and Heera Kim, who entered the call with a sense of guilt for not being able to protect her friend during the argument he was talking about at the time, belatedly realized that the call was intended maliciously. I realized that it had happened.

2. On May 17, the media outlet visited the media outlet without an affiliated official and said to Kim Heera, who explained the suspicions, 'If you admit it, we will adjust the level of the article. He cajoled and coerced Kim Heera by saying, ‘Then, it will be like the Kim OO incident, so I will allow you to return.’

For example, in response to Heera Kim's claim that she has never smoked, the same question was asked repeatedly and she was urged to give a different answer, saying, 'There are so many informants who said they saw her smoking.' They pressured Kim Heer-ra, who claimed innocence, by saying, "It's not important, so let's move on," and contrary to their claim that they only published articles that could be verified, they included the informants' words in a stand-alone news article, calling them a "cigarette errand." Suspicions were mentioned in a clever way, leading to public misunderstanding.

3. The media said that the coverage had already been completed in May and that they had delayed publishing the article out of consideration for Kim Hee-ra, who was about to air the drama. However, even though the initial informants and Kim Heera cleared up the misunderstanding and reported it to the media, the media reported the suspicions. What we found out late in this process was that after the media informed the agency of the situation in which the report was received, they secretly met with the informants before arranging a meeting to collect evidence to be published in the article, and when the informants recognized that there was a misunderstanding and tried to change their minds, they said, 'If that happens, the article will be published. It was clearly stated that ‘you cannot pay’. Since then, the agency has deceived us with lies and false actions, such as implying that there was no contact from the informants or that they had not met them.

The rights of many individuals are being violated by the recent suspicions raised against Heera Kim. Due to the standard and generalization error frame for celebrities that says 'even a fight can lead to bullying and school violence', even unrelated people are being accused of bullying and bullying just because they are members of a cafe. We sincerely hope that there will be no more victims due to indiscriminate reporting practices.

The truth of this incident will be determined legally until the end, and we will reveal everything in court, including errors in what the media calls evidence and misunderstandings with the informants.

We apologize once again for causing concern to many people due to this unpleasant incident.

Kang Min-kyung, Ten Asia reporter translated by google