cartoonist Joo Ho-min reports a teacher for allegedly abusing his autistic son
cartoonist Joo Ho-min reports a teacher for allegedly abusing his autistic son
A famous webtoon cartoonist reported A, a special education teacher at an elementary school in Gyeonggi-do, for child abuse of his son with autism. Joo Ho-min, who was designated as the famous writer, made an official position.

On the 26th, Ho-min Joo opened his mouth, saying, “I am writing to inform you of the facts about what has recently been reported about me and my child.”

He said, "In September of last year, my child was separated from a special class due to unexpected behavior and received education in a special class all day. However, from the day of the incident, he continued to express very anxious reactions and fears that were different from usual. He refused to go to school." said.

He added, "Due to the nature of children with developmental disabilities, who are second graders in elementary school, accurate communication was impossible, and there was no way to communicate the situation because only children with disabilities were taught in special classes, but it was necessary to confirm."

Joo Ho-min explained, "The recording contained a situation that was difficult to see as simple discipline, and I was shocked, but first of all, I sought external advice to determine if there was a problem from an objective point of view, not a subjective judgment."

Joo Ho-min said, "We consulted with a total of 5 lawyers and a child abuse officer at the Yongin Police Station. We wanted to solve the problem at the school level rather than reporting it to the police, but as a result of contacting the education office and schools, the education office itself responded in the case of emotional child abuse. "I received an answer that it is difficult to judge and replace a teacher, and that measures can only be taken according to the results of the investigation by the judicial body. So, after thinking about it, I reported it to the police."

In addition, "My child's sudden behavior (the incident mentioned in the article) occurred during the class time of another general teacher, not the class time of the special teacher we reported. And the special teacher's behavior occurred a week after the incident." "Even though it didn't happen during my class time, I said something very inappropriate to my child, and I think this is clearly a problem."

Joo Ho-min said, "I am still sincerely sorry for my child's unexpected behavior towards his friends. We actively apologized and sought forgiveness from the other child and parents when there was an unexpected behavior," he said in the article. We apologized to the other child and parents for our child's sudden behavior (incident), and we were very grateful to accept the apology, forgive the child, and reach an amicable agreement. We are leaning towards it and will continue to do so in the future.”

Joo Ho-min said, "The article's claim that the parents are annoyed with the child with the stress that is pouring in now is not true. It is unfortunate that the point of this case is clouded by inaccurate facts." "I'm just saddened to be giving other parents a big grievance due to the suspension of their duties. That's why you must have petitioned. I understand. I tried to inform you of this situation, but it didn't work out."

In addition, "Since the related case is currently under trial, I would appreciate it if you would wait until the trial results come out to determine whether the teacher's actions were legitimate discipline or abuse of a child with developmental disabilities." We have taken legal action against the act of defaming the family. Lastly, we earnestly ask you to refrain from speculative articles."

Joo Ho-min further explained, "The part where it says 'five lawyers' is that I received counseling from 5 people, and the trial proceeded as a public election without appointing a lawyer, and I was appointed only today."The full text of Joo Ho-min's official position is as follows:hello. This is Joo Ho-min.
I am writing to inform you of the facts about what has recently been reported about me and my child.

In September of last year, my child was separated from a special class due to unexpected behavior and received education in a special class all day. However, from the day of the incident, I continued to express very anxious reactions and fears that were different from usual. He also refused to attend.

Accurate communication was impossible due to the nature of children with developmental disabilities in the second grade of elementary school, and there was no way to receive information about the situation because only children with disabilities were taught in special classes, but confirmation was necessary.

The recording contained a situation that was hard to see as simple discipline, and I was shocked, but first of all, I sought outside advice to determine if there was a problem from an objective point of view, not a subjective judgment.

A total of 5 lawyers and Yongin Police Station child abuse officers have been consulted. We wanted to solve the problem at the school level rather than reporting it to the police, but as a result of inquiries to the education office and schools, it is difficult for the education office to make its own judgment and replace the teacher in the case of emotional child abuse, and action can only be taken according to the results of the investigation by the judicial body. I got an answer saying yes. So, after thinking about it, I reported it to the police.

My child's sudden behavior (the incident mentioned in the article) occurred during the class time of another general teacher, not the class time of the special teacher we reported. And the special teacher's act occurred a week after the incident.

Even though it didn't happen during my class time, I said something very inappropriate to my child, and I think this is clearly a problem.

I am still sincerely sorry for the unexpected behavior of my child towards his friends. When there was an unexpected action, we actively apologized to the other child and parents and tried to ask for forgiveness.

I also apologized to the other child and parents for my child's unexpected behavior (incident) mentioned in the article, and I was very grateful that they accepted the apology, forgave the child, and reached an amicable agreement. We are actively educating and paying attention to the need to reduce the child's sudden behavior, and will continue to do so in the future.

It is not true that the article is pouring in now that parents are annoyed by the stress of the teacher. It is a pity that the point of this case is blurred by inaccurate facts.

The teacher's job is suspended and it is painful to give other parents a great deal of trouble. So you must have petitioned. I understand. I tried to inform you of this situation, but it was not possible.

As the related issue is currently under trial, I would appreciate it if you would wait until the trial results come out to determine whether the teacher's actions were legitimate discipline or abuse of a child with developmental disabilities.

Lastly, I took legal action against my family for defaming my family with unconfirmed facts. Lastly, we earnestly ask you to refrain from speculative articles.

The part expressed as 'five lawyers' is the consultation received from 5 people, and the trial was conducted as a public election without appointing a lawyer, and only today was appointed.

Reporter Kang Min-kyung, Ten Asia translated by google